When I started homeschooling I had this false idea that all days would be "wonderful". After my first week or so, I had a major wake up call.

So far, I have learned that there will be days that will begin with a rough patch.

Today, was no different. We began our day, the "wrong" way.....

But the afternoon turned out to be wonderful. We had the opportunity to spend it together as a family at our local park. The weather has been beautiful for this time of the year. It was in the mid 60's. Very strange for this time of the year in our region.

I am beginning to grasp that there will be happy days, and not so happy days.

Another highlight of our day was when my girl asked me to soil (sew) her cat . And I asked her if she wanted to learn to do it on her on? To my surprise she was excited and curious to learn.

So I took out the thread and the needle and after a brief demonstration she got it on her own!

I am very sure that no 5 y/o is learning to sew in a regular school classroom today.

So with good or rough days, I still feel blessed that I have the opportunity to homeschool her. And spend as much time as we do together as a family.

Homeschooling is a wonderful journey!

Many blessings.

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